Friday 31 May 2013

Welcome to our blog!

Hello everyone!
A lot of people have asked us if we'll be keeping in touch while we are away so we thought the best solution would be to make a simple blog to let you see what things are like in Belize and for you to hear how we are getting on. 
I certainly can't promise daily updates or anything like that but we will try to keep it reasonably up-to-date. 
We leave Scotland on Tuesday June 4th and fly first to Newark, New Jersey then on to Houston, Texas  where we will stay overnight before flying to Belize City on Wednesday morning. We're supposed to be getting picked up by a brother who has a taxi and he's going to get us to the bus heading south to Big Falls. That journey takes about 4 hours so we should arrive at our house in the evening.
We don't know that much about the town, the apartment or the congregation so there's going to be a lot to get sorted out!
Once we are there and have found out the internet situation we'll update you all.
Thanks for thinking about us.