Sorry that it's been a while since I posted anything. We've been busy
entertaining our visitors from home. I hope Mark and Sarah are back safely now.
At least you'll get better quality pictures from them!
We had a busy and enjoyable week together with them and Richard. We had
avoided doing some of the local touristy things until they arrived, so it was
the first time doing them for us too and they managed to get out quite a bit in
the ministry with us as well.
on the reef was excellent. And then on the way back, to top things off, we encountered a pod of dolphins that came and played with us for about 20 minutes, jumping out of the water, racing the bow of the boat and generally being charming. Quite an unforgettable experience! It shows up the weakness of digital cameras though. Because there is a delay between pressing the button and the picture actually being taken we mostly got photos of post-dolphin ripples! Andy got some video so I might ask him for a link of he puts any of it online. And you'll have to see what Mark was able to get on his camera.
So it was really enjoyable to have guests for the week, but it felt a bit
strange to see them getting ready to go home and us not to be joining them.
Homesickness has affected each of us at some time but we are managing. It helps
when you have things you have to do here so you feel like you are needed.
Shame about Andy Murray by the way. Now we'll have to find someone else to
be disappointed in! We watched most of the match on a repeat on
Mexican/Guatemalan satellite TV in a sister's thatched house with chickens and
various other animals wandering in and out whilst eating homemade burritos. Not
quite the traditional Wimbledon experience!
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