Thursday 5 September 2013

And Finally

So it's back to Scotland, then. We've all really loved being here with all its ups and downs. Highlights for me are working on watchtower-picture territory, people's positivity towards the Bible, the hospitality and help we got from local brothers, staying on a desert island, really being close to the jungle, seeing the girls becoming part of the familes of their studies, swimming in rivers and the warm ocean and feeling really useful in the congregation.

Things I won't miss: Bites, inadequate shops, cockerels, speed bumps.

Things I will miss: The good friends we've made, Bible studies, tortillas fresh from the fire-hearth, thunder and lightning, riding in the back of the pickup, the abundant greenness, the sound of birds and insects first thing in the morning and the sun over the Caribbean.

Has it been worth it? Definitely. I would say to anyone that spending some time serving in another country, especially one as fertile in both senses as this is something to do if it's at all in your power. The lessons you learn and the experience you gain will last for a long time after the suntan fades. Will we come back? We hope so but there are a lot of factors to weigh up. It would be very sad to think we wouldn't see Belize or the brothers again.

For now it's a lot of sad goodbyes, a busy couple of days in NYC then a lot of happy hellos again.

Thanks for reading this blog


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