Wednesday 19 June 2013

Some Pictures At Last!

Hi Everyone. Thought I'd try to get some pictures online for you. Not included however, is a photo of the tarantula that crawled out in front of the platform during Emily's talk last night (I was taking the school so it would have been unseemly to get a camera out!) or the frequently-occurring topless women we encounter in the villages.
                                                                      Our House

                                                    Beth Taylor and Ashley hanging around
                                                                   Big Falls KH
                                               Emily and Ashley's first tortilla attempts

                                                          One of Ashley's studies
                                                   Family lunch by the Caribbean

                                                 Transport to the territory Belize style!
Emily says she's not in any pictures because she's the only one that bothers to take any. Maybe that's because she's stolen our camera!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, thanks for the photos (Emily), helps us imagine what it must be like. Glad everything is going well, although you will feel very cold when you get back here! Today we appear to have gale force winds and driving rain. Missing Scotland? Haha. On the plus side we don't have tarantulas...
