Thursday 6 June 2013

We've made it!

I'm writing this while sitting under a thatched roof surrounded by swaying palms, listening to the birds in the jungle around us. Pretty much what you expected, I suppose! Actually we're at a brother's house stealing his internet so we can let you know we're here safe and sound. 
Our house is a bit basic but adequate. We'll let you see some pictures later. Today and tomorrow are really about sorting out equipment and supplies and generally finding our way around. We've met several of the brothers and sisters already and they're all really friendly.
And yes it's hot and humid. No rain yet except on the journey down on the bus but we're told to expect some most days.
Belize is definitely a melting-pot of cultures. It looks more like Thailand with the tropical plants but the people remind us more of Africa. I don't know if that helps or not!
Hopefully more information will follow soon....

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone, glad you've all arrived safely, we will be looking forward to lots of pictures and experiences, love to you all Laura x
